This website was originally hosted on both Vercel and Cloudflare Pages to compare the performance of the two. Statistics of page load times were stored to compare averages between the two platforms.
Your actual performance
This is the performance of your first page load on this website.
Time To First Byte
000 ms
Time to First Byte (TTFB) is a foundational metric for measuring connection setup time and web server responsiveness in both the lab and the field. It helps identify when a web server is too slow to respond to requests. In the case of navigation requests—that is, requests for an HTML document—it precedes every other meaningful loading performance metric. A TTFB under 800ms is considered good.
First Contentful Paint
0000 ms
First Contentful Paint (FCP) is an important, user-centric metric for measuring perceived load speed because it marks the first point in the page load timeline where the user can see anything on the screen—a fast FCP helps reassure the user that something is happening. An FCP under 1.8s is considered good.
Descriptions by
Vercel vs Cloudflare Pages Statistics
Average TTFB and FCP comparison between the two providers.
Time To First Byte
1204 ms
First Contentful Paint
1777 ms
Next.js separates static assets like pages with Automatic Static Optimization and Vercel serves them directly from their CDN. This is true for the pages router and both server and client components in the app router. Both TTFB and FCP here should represent the performance of their CDN, as the first byte and contentful paint should happen based on the data coming from it.
Server-side rendered pages and React server components are expected to have worse performance in those metrics, as they have to be rendered at the data centre of Vercel's infrastructure provider (currently AWS). Although Vercel now also allows opting into edge execution backed by Cloudflare Workers.
Cloudflare Pages
Time To First Byte
1063 ms
First Contentful Paint
1733 ms
Cloudflare Pages is mostly a static site hosting platform powered by Cloudflare's global CDN. However, since the benchmark started the platform has added support for server-side edge rendering via Cloudflare Workers. Still, the platform and its DX are mainly designed around mostly static websites which is why Cloudflare is now working at merging and improving the DX of Cloudflare Pages and Workers Sites.
Cloudflare's CDN or edge network are believed to be faster and more expansive than Vercel's, which should be its main advantage while this website remains static. Cloudflare Workers remain one of the best edge computing platforms with gradually improving DX. The raw capabilities of the platform are likely why Vercel chose to use it for their edge runtime.
The results of the benchmark are somewhat inconclusive. Both platforms were heavily affected by slower global load times (due to assets not being cached in the user's regional point-of-presence yet). This drove all average metrics up significantly. This was not representative of performance experienced by, e.g. UK users, which experienced results up to 10x better than average. Either way, both platforms performed fairly similarly.
Over the course of the benchmark, the platforms have also been updated, including implementing some of each other's features as described in the above section. However, notably, Vercel has had far and away the best experience in development, deployment and monitoring. Generally, Vercel's offering, while more expensive, is much more polished and ready for use by most web developers. On the other hand, the experience of using Cloudflare pages or workers will likely feel somewhat alien and unintuitive to those unfamiliar with the platform, even if the technology is incredibly powerful and promising.
While I am looking forward to the improvements Cloudflare is making to their platform, for the time being this website will remain hosted on Vercel only. Cloudflare Workers are still a great offering for edge computing, reverse proxies and blazing-fast edge middleware, even if the DX is not quite there yet.
See for yourself
You can still access the Vercel and Cloudflare Pages hosted versions of the website via the links below. Although the Cloudflare version will likely drift out of date. Feel free to measure the performance yourself. You can use tools like Lighthouse to do that.